My clients say

“Thank you for lovely and very inspiring lectures. I am happy that I have now made your acquaintance. You are a gift to all of us “poor” women who are left behind in our menopause without much knowledge and help”

Hanne | DK

“It really means a lot that I can get qualified advice, when gynecologists are very reluctant to help me, who is 7 years into menopause and has had endometriosis. You have given me hope that there may be paths to take – possibilities to explore”

Berit | DK

Hi Sally, Thank you so much for a fantastic service with our 30 minute online consultation. I feel in expert hands with you.

Rena | DK

Thank you so much for yesterday. It was extremely informative. After feeling so overwhelmed for so long, I finally feel I have a path forward to a better me. Much Appreciated.

Jennifer | UK

Thank you for taking time for me! I feel like this: Now I’m in safe hands with Sally, who knows what she’s talking about! I need and want to feel better. I am relieved and can look forward – thank you.

Stina | DK

I think the conversation with you has given so much more than 10 doctor’s visits 😉 Thank you from the bottom of my heart…

Trine| DK

“When I started to feel menopause allergies for real this year (in my case: sore joints, brain fog, fatigue/heavyness) I started looking for help and was recommended to many.

Some of the things I knew was important to me:

1) I wanted to talk to a woman.

2) I wanted to talk to a woman who HERSELF had gone through menopause and was ON THE OTHER SIDE of it.

3) I would talk to a woman who only offered advice and would not sell me an item (a certain supplement, a certain course, a certain ideology)

4) I wanted to talk to a (postmenopausal) woman who looked healthy, vital and HAPPY.

In other words, a wise woman with 1) self-experience and 2) expertise.

I was recommended to sally walker. Looked at her website, saw the picture of her (and thought Wow! ) read her background and immediately booked an appointment.

Sally has just turned 67.

Besides looking stunningly lovely, she’s sweet, warm and smart. And knows a whole lot about hormones and health. She is from England, but has lived in Denmark most of her life and speaks fluent Danish. (She now lives in Lanzarote though… because… nice weather, freedom and light… )

One thing I also like about Sally is that you book a 30 minute Zoom consultation for €40 This is absolutely a reasonable price.

(One of my activist fights is don’t let menopause ruin you)

For me – who hadn’t had particularly good experience talking to my doctor about my symptoms – and who had not yet been referred to a gynecologist – Sally was exactly the person I needed.

She acted primarily as an “educator” in my first conversation.

She gave me completely basic knowledge of my cycle – pedagogical and empathetic. Knowledge, which I’m actually embarrassed that I didn’t already have at the age of 50. For example, it was Sally who taught me that you can menstruate even if you don’t have an erection. I had no idea about that. And that explains a lot….

I learned about the menstrual cycle in school (hands up if you also still remember the bizarre expression “yellow body” back then) and I was naturally obsessed with my cycle when I was pregnant. But since then no one has told me or taught me what happens – hormonally – in the body when you as a woman are on the other side of 40 and closer to 50. And let me just say: It’s not a small thing!

I thought menopause was something about hot flashes and missing periods. I did not experience any of it. And was confused .

Sally taught me about the different hormones, when they are at stake in my cycle and what happens when the hormones no longer function the way they used to. Ladies, there isn’t just a cute decline in our hormones. They are going crash diving (! ) and – for many of us – it can be felt. Physically.

She answered all my “stupid” questions. She suggested what I could do to relieve my symptoms. There was no dogma or admonitions. Exclusively a presentation of different possibilities. And it was really nice.

I like the fact that she is independent She’s not in anyone’s pocket. She’s neither hormone frightened nor out to push hormones at all costs. She is listening.

We have talked many times now and we have the same approach to this phase: namely that it’s a very EXCITING period in a woman’s life. And at the same time, this is not a period that we need to suffer through, if relief is available. We have to do what we can to make it good. And what that is is, is individual.

Sally is not a replacement for a doctor or gynecologist, it goes without saying. She’s neither and she can’t print anything.

But she can be (is! ) really good to talk to introductory, when you’re a bit around the floor and don’t really know what’s up and down. Or if you need something more comprehensive “education” than the one you get at the doctor.

When you enter this phase, and actually feel it physically, you have a thousand questions. I certainly did have. And it has been/is so nice for me to have someone to talk to and be able to ask questions.

I can easily talk to my girlfriends but none of us are experts. Sally explains it so I understand what is really going on inside my body. And I will not be ruined.

I don’t believe there’s a one-size-fits-all model when it comes to menopause.

And I also don’t think there’s one magic bullet that just solves everything.

This phase is both physical and psychological. We are changing . Our bodies are changing . And our minds are changed. Things that once were important, does not feel so important anymore. Things that were no longer important suddenly become very important.

My own experience is that my bullshit threshold has been significantly lower. I’m done with shit no more I have close to zero tolerance for mediocrity My own mortality is no longer diffused but vivid, and the last 30-40 years (if I’m lucky) of my life should not be fucking wasted. Action needs to be taken NOW. Priorities need to be set high. What can’t stand must fall. That which has energy must be nourished. And that goes for all areas.

And I want it to be GOOD. And if I can look just about as good as Sally does at 67 I’ll be happy.

I seriously have the craziest crush on older women. In many ways, I feel that youth is SO overrated.

Wisdom man That’s moving!





I do.

We have so much to learn from women who have already walked the path. Women who have a head start and can look back and remind us lovingly that it will get better. Maybe even better than what we grew out of.

(One of my closest friends is 73 and if you don’t have a friend older than you, I recommend it. A wise elder. Someone with a head start. The spider kicks are inspiring – and calming for one’s nervous system).

Anyway, it was actually just a recommendation from Sally Walker. I have a crush on her.

I don’t get a percentage. I’m just genuinely happy customer”.

Pernille Melsted | DK

Thank you once again Sally, you put me at ease about the situation. Because I was getting desperate.

Marianne | DK

I’m definitely moving in the right direction and I wanted to thank you again for your insight, guidance and support which has helped me to make these considered changes.

Helen | US

I really appreciate your advice & support, for the first time in a long time I feel I can start getting some control back!

Tonya | US

I had the pleasure of consulting with Sally on 02/04/2021 and I could not recommend her enough. Sally was professional and polite throughout my consult and I felt at ease discussing my issues with Sally. As someone who suffers from anxiety, I often find it difficult to speak and articulate how I am feeling and Sally made this process so much easier. Sally was very informative and helped me in my understanding of my own hormones by explaining the various types of estrogens which our bodies produce and which form of estrogen I was in need of. As someone who has been unable to fathom the affects menopause has had on my own body and mind, following my consultation with Sally I feel much more informed and in control of my own body and mind.

Prior to my consult with Sally, I was put on various types of hormone tablets which never worked for me, I was unaware of the E3 Gel (which Sally informed me of) that can be used on various parts of the body to improve mood and bone health and which may work better for me than the various medications and hormone tablets I have been put on. Sally has also helped me to understand how better to care for my weight management during this time in my life and explained to me how to safely restrict my carb intake and put in place a time restricted eating plan.

Sally also very kindly provided me with a macro nutrition list to help me understand which foods are best suited to my current lifestyle and needs.
I can’t thank Sally enough for the information and support she had provided me with and would highly recommend Sally for those needing that little boost to a better lifestyle. Thank you Sally!

Sharon | Winner of Happy Health Hat on Sallys Radio Show

Thank you so much for taking the time to give me the online consultation, which I was fortunate enough to win on your Thursday evening radio show on Monster Radio. As you suggested I have been looking at EFT/TFT on the internet, my friend who does Reiki knows about tapping and has offered to help me, she has said that the mantra Is very important. I have bought a blender/juicer, and have made my first couple of batches of juice, I have read that 470ml per day is good. The consultation, much to my relief was very relaxed and the questions you asked were all very relevant, and really constructive. I am confident that channeling my energy and focusing on EFT will greatly improve my stress levels. I will try the juice for the 30 days as you suggested, I will keep in touch and let you know how my stress level are. Once again thank you so much. P.S. Love the show and the music.

Norma Jean | Winner of Happy Health Hat on Sallys Radio Show

I was delighted that my name was picked out of the Happy Health Hat for a 30 min consultation with Sally. We conducted this via video link & Sally is just lovely to talk to. She is very relaxed and this made me feel at ease too. With her extensive knowledge of blood testing & health procedures she helped me to understand & organise  questions to present to my doctor, as well as what kinds of general health tests would be beneficial for me. I really liked the way she explained things to me in a simple & straightforward manner. I was able to focus on our discussion without taking notes because she followed up my consultation with a detailed summary of our session. Fantastic!
Sally is genuinely interested in her clients and her support has made me feel more confident in dealing with future medical appointments. I would recommend a session with Sally to anyone who is looking to improve their health & wellbeing. Thank you Sally!

Rona Scott | Winner of Happy Health Hat on Sallys Radio Show

“I attended all three of your sessions at Club La Santa and wanted to thank you for the truly superb sessions. You were engaging, structured, detailed and impressive with your knowledge and command of the latest in medical & nutritional science. Your easy take-aways and action plans were great as well – happy to say I’ve just ordered my first blender and can’t wait to start on the 1L a day greens plan!”

Gay-Yi | Doctor

“Sally really knows her stuff. I undertook an assessment with Sally Walker when doing a training camp at La Santa. It was one of the best things I have done in a long time. Apart from the really informative profile, Sally identified a heart irregularity which has transpired to be important to treat, in order to continue training. It is of incalculable value to have had the warning from Sally as I am now beginning a treatment plan. This condition had never been picked up on previous tests and I was blissfully oblivious. I would have no hesitation on telling anyone who has the opportunity to have a consultation with Sally, to do so as soon as they can.”

Bernie | CEO

Thank you for inspiration and good ideas about how to make life healthier and more comfortable. I have now used Ovestin since I came home from Club La Santa – and it works. Great! I don’t suffer anymore with hot flushes and restlessness at night.”

Elsebeth S. S. M. Jensen | Medical Science Liaison hos Spectrum Therapeutics

“I am just writing to say thank you for last week. I am more grateful than you probably know for your help in understanding what is going on. I am quite happy now after reflecting upon your notes and science that you hit the nail clearly on the head. It is a relief to be able to think I can get my life back and along with that my marriage and wellbeing which have both been clearly on the rocks as a result of how I feel.
What was of significance from our consults was your direction – your stern warning about Addisons hit home later – in truth I don’t think I told you how bad I really am and your persistence in a couple of areas e.g. the marathon – you can’t do it.  You were right. I am so very relieved now that I don’t have to carry on doing it and I can settle it in my head knowing I am not ‘not’ doing it out of lack of resilience or laziness but purely because four-hour runs are destroying me physiologically!!!”

Sarah | UK

“A couple of months have passed by since I listened to you at La Santa. You and your theories deeply impressed me. I am looking forward to seeing you again in autumn”.

Desiree | Switzerland

“I attended an extremely well organized workshop in December 2019. Sally Walker touches on the aging process and the mechanics of hormones in a gender specific way. She will also discuss the impact of stress, nutrition and physical activity. Her explanations are based on the current scientific developments and are easy to understand. The participants will be motivated to apply the recommendations in the daily life. It is highly interactive and the group appreciated it very much.”

Jernej Kovse | Project Manager

“I had the pleasure of consulting with Sally on 02/04/2021 and I could not recommend her enough. Sally was professional and polite throughout my consult and I felt at ease discussing my issues with Sally. As someone who suffers from anxiety, I often find it difficult to speak and articulate how I am feeling and Sally made this process so much easier.

Sally was very informative and helped me in my understanding of my own hormones by explaining the various types of estrogens which our bodies produce and which form of estrogen I was in need of. As someone who has been unable to fathom the affects menopause has had on my own body and mind, following my consultation with Sally I feel much more informed and in control of my own body and mind.

Prior to my consult with Sally, I was put on various types of hormone tablets which never worked for me, I was unaware of the E3 Gel (which Sally informed me of) that can be used on various parts of the body to improve mood and bone health and which may work better for me than the various medications and hormone tablets I have been put on.

Sally has also helped me to understand how better to care for my weight management during this time in my life and explained to me how to safely restrict my carb intake and put in place a time restricted eating plan.

Sally also very kindly provided me with a macro nutrition list to help me understand which foods are best suited to my current lifestyle and needs.
I can’t thank Sally enough for the information and support she had provided me with and would highly recommend Sally for those needing that little boost to a better lifestyle.

Thank you Sally!

Norma | Lanzarote

“Thank you so much for taking the time to give me the on-line consultation yesterday 4th May, which I was fortunate enough to win on your Thursday evening radio show on Monster Radio. As you suggested I have been looking at EFT/TFT on the internet, my friend who does Reiki knows about tapping and has offered to help me, she has said that the mantra Is very important. I have bought a blender/juicer, and have made my first couple of batches of juice, I have read that 470ml per day is good.

The consultation, much to my relief was very relaxed and the questions you asked were all very relevant, and really constructive. I am confident that channeling my energy and focusing on EFT will greatly improve my stress levels. I will try the juice for the 30 days as you suggested, I will keep in touch and let you know how my stress level are. Once again thank you so much. P.S. Love the show and the music!

Sharon | Dublin