Every week I am posting about  everything you need to know about hormones. This weeks topic is about feeling good

Did you know

  • We feel ALL the time
  • How you feel is up to you – feeling good is YOUR choice
  • Feelings are also called Emotions. If you divide the word E = energy + motion, so feelings are Energy in motion and that movement is outwards – leaving your body for others to pick up
  • Emotions are biochemical molecules ie. tangible made from proteins
  • They are called neurotransmitters, such as Serotonin and Dopamine
  • They create an electrical charge that radiates both within our bodies and out of it
  • “We’re vibrating like a tuning fork — we send out vibrations to other people and they are sending out to us
  • We are constantly broadcasting and receiving emotional messages
  • We feel best in the company of those with a similar vibration
  • Emotions are contagious and feelings spread between people like a virus, even if we’re not paying attention
  • Neurotransmitters are produced in the brain in response to how YOU perceive YOUR world
  • They’re also produced in your body – don’t believe me – how do you explain the expression ‘gut feeling’
  • We can use our feelings to draw attention to what we are ‘thinking’ about – most people don’t
  • Feelings motivate the actions we take every single second
  • Through feelings, we can regulate our thoughts and actions and, in that way change the results we are getting in life
  • In other words, emotions guide us to survive or thrive
  • Latest count is 27 emotions
  • Every emotion has a polar opposite you can’t feel the one without knowing the other.

Meet Sally and get to know all about feeling good

Food & mood

Molecules of emotion

Simple things to put a smile on your face

Music & mood 

Molecules of emotion quiz

Molecules of Emotions

Molecules with group name neurotransmitters act as your nervous system’s current.

These molecules transmit signals and messages from one nerve cell to the next. In this way, a message can move from one part of the body to another.

Each neurotransmitter speaks its own language and is responsible for triggering specific emotions.

Some neurotransmitters are responsible for positive, happy even euphoric emotions – some for a relaxed, calm and quiet feelings – others for motivation, focus even an intense mindset.

How you experience emotions and how you feel is dictated by these neurotransmitters.

Too much or too little of the various neurotransmitters leads to an imbalance in your emotional state.

For example, too little serotonin will lead to lack of joy and low self-esteem, where too much dopamine will lead to “ticks” and arrogant, ruthless actions.

The production of neurotransmitters is constantly changing to meet the demands of the internal and external environmental. Eg. night requires calm, and calls for the feel calm neuros, in the morning we need the stimulating and motivating, and needs the feel good, feel excited neuros, etc.

“Feel good” neuro’s

Nor-Adrenaline – attentive, motivated, elated, happy, sexually aroused.

Dopamine – focused, blissful, controlled, motivation, such as appetite and movement.

Acetylcholine – memory, creativity, brain speed

Serotonin – confident, satisfied, high self-esteem

Histamine – agitation, alertness, sexual arousal

 “Feel calm” neuro’s

GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) – calm and control, decreases stress, panic, anxiety, pain.

 “Feel excited” neuro’s

Aspartate and Glutamate – alertness, increase learning through the 5 senses see, hear, smell, taste and feel.

“No pain” neuro’s

Endorphins / Opiates – physical and mental painkillers, mood enhancers and euphoria.

Music & Mood

Science has proven that listening to music can boost your mood, reduce anxiety, and improve your overall well-being.

Everyone knows that nothing can turn a bad day around like a favourite happy song.

So, what are you waiting for? – Press play

It doesn’t matter if you’re rocking out with headphones on or blasting tunes from your car stereo, as long as you’re moving and grooving to the rhythm.

What does science show us?

  • Music has the ability to evoke powerful emotional responses such as chills and thrills in listeners.
  • The enjoyment of music appears to involve the same pleasure centre in the brain as other forms of pleasure, such as food, sex, and drugs, producing the feelings of ‘satisfaction, power, etc through the neurotransmitter dopamine
  • Memories are one of the important ways in which music evoke emotions. Musical emotions and musical memory survive long than other forms of memory
  • Music often creates a strong desire to move in coordination with the music eg. dancing, foot-tapping, etc. Our internal rhythms (e.g., heart rate) also speed up or slow down to become one with the music. We float and move with the music
  • Background music strongly influences what people buy in supermarkets. A 1999 study exposed customers in a supermarket drinks section to either French music or German music. The results showed that French wine outsold German wine when French music was played, and visa versa.
  • Music changes our relationship with time. Time seems to fly when listening to pleasant music, that’s why it is used in waiting rooms to reduce time awareness while waiting and in supermarkets to encourage people to stay longer and buy more.

Food & Mood


  • Protein, protein & more protein
  • Amino acids for Dopamine – phenylalanine and tyrosine
  • Amino acids for GABA – theanine and glutamate
  • Amino acids for Serotonin – tryptophan and 5 HTP
  • B-vitamin Choline for Acetylcholine
  • Folates
  • Iron
  • Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA).
  • Magnesiumsee the blog about Minerals 
  • Potassium
  • Selenium
  • Thiamine – B1
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6 – see the blog about vitamins
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc

Food sources

  • Support regenerative farming (always organic) as much as possible for both animal and plant produce
  • Animal foods –organ meats, muscle meat
  • Plant foods – coloured, sun ripened, fruits and veggies


  • The white devils – flours and sugar
  • Processed omega 6 fatty acids / plant oils and margarines.

Happiness is a NOW thing

Tips to happiness in a heart beat. Don’t wait until later to be happy.

Smile it out – Try NOT to smile while blasting your fave feel good song. Lifting the corners of the mouth is sooo powerful for changing biochemistry – it increases serotonin, endorphins and dopamine – even if you fake smile

Write it out – write down 3 positive things each day will make you more optimistic and less stressed?

Get out – Just a few minutes of fresh air can give you a fresh perspective.

Walk it out – a 20-minute brisk walk gets the heart pumping, decrease stress and increases endorphins and dopamine

State it out – make a bold statement with your clothes your accessories, etc. Fake it until you make it

Eat it out – Give yourself a boost of healthy nutrients especially proteins vitamins and minerals essential to make the molecules of emotions

Note it – make your day, by leaving a “you’re beautiful” note on the bathroom mirror.

Clear it out – clear the clutter, clear your to do list.

Thank it – Gratitude boost positivity like nothing else.

Let it out – detach yourself from past negativity

Straighten it out – posture dictates how we feel, so straighten up and walk like a boss

Colour it out – embrace your favourite colour use colour for power, even a flower in that colour will give energy.

Simple things to put a Smile on your face?

I asked my friends and neighbours what puts a smile on their faces and here’s the list.

  • Sleeping in a freshly-made bed
  • Feeling the sun on your face
  • Random acts of kindness – a “thank you” from a stranger
  • Finding money in unexpected places
  • Having time to myself
  • Laughing so hard it hurts
  • Snuggling on the sofa with a loved one
  • Freshly-made bread
  • Doing something for others
  • The clean feeling after a shower
  • When your favourite song comes on the radio
  • Finding a bargain in the sales
  • Listening to the rainfall/thunderstorms when you’re inside
  • The smell of freshly-brewed coffee
  • Having a long hot bath
  • Seeing a fresh layer of snow
  • The smell of freshly-cut grass
  • Chocolate melting in your mouth
  • Doing something active outdoors (eg. bike ride, run, walk)
  • The smell of Bacon cooking in the morning
  • Talking to or playing with your pet
  • Getting a soothing massage
  • That “Friday feeling”
  • Waking up before the alarm and realizing there’s more time to sleep
  • Doing exercise
  • Seeing a rainbows
  • The smell of a new car
  • Dancing like no one is watching
  • Putting your “Out of Office” sign on before going on holiday
  • Singing in the shower
  • Loosening your jeans after you’ve eaten a big meal.

27 Emotions

Scientists pinpoint 27 states of emotion.

  • admiration
  • adoration
  • aesthetic appreciation
  • amusement
  • anger
  • anxiety
  • awe
  • awkwardness
  • boredom
  • calmness
  • confusion
  • craving
  • disgust
  • empathic pain
  • entrancement
  • excitement
  • fear
  • horror
  • interest
  • joy
  • nostalgia
  • relief
  • romance
  • sadness
  • satisfaction
  • sexual desire
  • surprise

Emotional Intelligence

Based on Psychologist Robert Plutchik’s – Wheel of Emotions

The eight primary emotions

  • Anger
  • Anticipation
  • Joy
  • Trust
  • Fear
  • Surprise
  • Sadness
  • Disgust

Polar opposites

  • Joy is the opposite of sadness – Connect vs withdraw
  • Fear is the opposite of anger – Get small and hide vs get big and loud
  • Anticipation is the opposite of surprise – Examine closely vs jump back
  • Disgust is the opposite of trust – Reject vs embrace.

Signs that your ‘Down-Days’ may be getting more serious

As humans, it is normal to have good and bad days.

If you’re experiencing a breakup, it is natural to feel upset and sad.

If you just got your dream job it’s natural to feel ecstatic.

These emotions can occur over consecutive days.

Have you noticed how the sad periods can be longer?

However, if your entire outlook on life has changed, and you feel ‘the blues’ all of the time this may point to something more serious.

6 signs your ‘blues’ went ‘black’.

1.   constantly tired

2.   not sleeping well

3.   your outlook rotated 180 degrees

4.   loss of interest for anything and everything

5.   turned to substances, such as drinking more

6.   changes in appetite

Questions? Please don't hesitate to contact me